-Background to the programme

-Theorical fundations
*the object of study
*tthe notion of learning

*general purpose of language teaching in basic education
*Purpose of teaching english in secundary education

-Methodology: an approach for teaching of english in secundary education

-Rol of tachers and learners

-Methodology framework
*habitual and engoing activities

Rol of the materials
Evaluation of learning
Evaluation of teaching
Organization of content
Themaic units

Rúbrica de Educación

10 - 9
Aplica diferentes actividades didácticas y el modelo edúcativo eficazmente, usa la observación para mejorar la práctica enseñanza aprendizaje (E-A), plantea el uso del cuaderno de trabajo y la libreta de los alumnos para mejorar la practica educativa, conoce y realiza adecuaciones a los planes y programas para mejorar la tarea de E-A, emplea el formato de plan de clase y reconoce el llenado de los mismos y lo hace eficientemente, propone formas de mejorar el contenidode los programas para mejorar la E-A.

8 - 7
Aplica diferentes actividades didácticas y el modelo educativo en la enseñanza del ingles, observa y reproduce lo observado en los cuadernos de trabajo y libretas de los alumnos y plantea su uso para la evaluación, conoce los planes y programas, conoce el llenado de los formatos de planeación y lo hace correctamente.

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009


All the period of practice begans on Monday 21 st and on Tuesday my partner Eric Coronel has his first practice so I just recordered what he was doing, the next day ( Wednesday) I have my practice, I start presenting who I am, where does I come from, my age and whre am I studying, after that I presented what was going to be my methodology in the class and what kind of activities we were going to do.
The topics that I had to teach were "Months of the year", "Days of the week ans weekend" and "Vocabulary in the classroom", I began teaching the first two topics that I already mentioned and make some activities of repeating one by one until students learned each one and the last topic were "Vocabulary in the classroom" in wich as activity We make an a Roll play and students were puting in practice what They had been learning.
In my opinion I can say that was a good experience and I understand in a closer way the methodology and all the process that occurs in a class when We students starts practicing as a soon Teachers.

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