-Background to the programme

-Theorical fundations
*the object of study
*tthe notion of learning

*general purpose of language teaching in basic education
*Purpose of teaching english in secundary education

-Methodology: an approach for teaching of english in secundary education

-Rol of tachers and learners

-Methodology framework
*habitual and engoing activities

Rol of the materials
Evaluation of learning
Evaluation of teaching
Organization of content
Themaic units

Rúbrica de Educación

10 - 9
Aplica diferentes actividades didácticas y el modelo edúcativo eficazmente, usa la observación para mejorar la práctica enseñanza aprendizaje (E-A), plantea el uso del cuaderno de trabajo y la libreta de los alumnos para mejorar la practica educativa, conoce y realiza adecuaciones a los planes y programas para mejorar la tarea de E-A, emplea el formato de plan de clase y reconoce el llenado de los mismos y lo hace eficientemente, propone formas de mejorar el contenidode los programas para mejorar la E-A.

8 - 7
Aplica diferentes actividades didácticas y el modelo educativo en la enseñanza del ingles, observa y reproduce lo observado en los cuadernos de trabajo y libretas de los alumnos y plantea su uso para la evaluación, conoce los planes y programas, conoce el llenado de los formatos de planeación y lo hace correctamente.

miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

My Experience in the practices

When I start the class I began with a text of different jobs that explain their activities using present simple and the students start making questions about vocabulary, then we read the text the whole group and then we start talking about our daily activities and finally we made and schedule of our daily activities and made exercises of present simple


My experience in the second practice week was in the secondary school Venustiano Carranza, I had to teach to students of first grade of secondary, The students had English class three days a week the first day I had to observe and record to my partner class Victoria ,she taught Frequency adverbs, for the second day I had to give my class and it was Simple present, and finally on the third day my partner Eric had to give their class and it was a review of the two last topics.
